Tag Archives: Grass

“Life of a Southern Farmer: Grasses and Hays”

Grass and hay diversity is important for farmers to have on their land. Depending on what kind, some grasses have more nutrients than others. Alphalpa hay is high in nutritional value, but if animals have too much they can get over weight. It is also expensive to grow.  On our land we had Dallisgrass, Coastal Bermuda, Bahia, in addition to Fescue. These are good cattle grasses because they are cheap and maintain them selves without much irrigation if any. However, Georgia is an extremely humid state. It rains a lot there as well. This is why we do not have to irrigate as much as other states. If you do not have a variety of grasses animals will develop a vitamin deficiency as do humans. According to Science Daily, grass diversity is better drought resistant. This can also contribute to farmers wallets by saving on their water bill.


“Life of a Southern Farmer: Steps to Raising Cattle Part Three”

The third progression to cattle raising takes the longest amount of time. This step is typically called “Stokers and Backgrounders,” states Explore Beef. The process consists of young cows solely grazing in pastures and developing. It can take several months to undergo. Depending on what breed, reaching full maturity spans from two to three years. It is, however, one of the simpler phases for farmers. They do not have to put in much effort besides feeding and providing water. Sitting back and waiting can be extremely boring, but it is intricate to peruse in raising cattle. While growing up on a cattle farm, my father used to let my sister and I name as well as play with the cattle enduring this growth process. I remember being so excited to pet them as well as to have their sandpaper-like tongues brush up against my face. Hence, this is my favorite advancement. Little did I know that they did not care very much for my friendship. They only liked me for my salty tasting skin.

http://www.explorebeef.org/raisingbeef.aspx                             http://savalfoods.com/higher-retail-beef-prices-expected-for-2012/cow-grazing-in-pasture-2/